What foods cause hair loss?

Diet plays an important role in the health of our hair. Foods and hair loss, everything you need to know!

Excessive consumption of fatty foods such as saturated fats, trans fats and fried foods can have negative effects on hair follicles and lead to hair loss. 

Saturated fats can increase blood cholesterol levels, which can weaken hair follicles, while trans fats can increase inflammation in the body, affecting hair health and sebum production in the scalp.  

Also read: Hair loss, natural solutions

Femme avec coupe afro

I. Fatty foods: enemies of healthy hair

Our diet has a significant impact on the health of our hair

In particular, excessive consumption of fatty foods can be an enemy of our hair health. 

Saturated fats, trans fats and fried foods are especially to be avoided, as they can affect the health of hair follicles and lead to hair loss. 

In this part, we will explore the reasons why fatty foods are an enemy for hair health.

  • Saturated fatsare often found in foods of animal origin, such as red meat and full-fat dairy products. Excessive consumption of these foods can lead to an increase in blood cholesterol levels, which can impact hair health. Indeed, cholesterol is a precursor of testosterone, a hormone that can promote hair loss in men and women. Excessive production of this hormone can cause hair follicles to miniaturize, making hair thinner and more fragile, and can eventually lead to hair loss.

  • Trans fatsare another type of fat to avoid to preserve the health of our hair. These fats are often found in processed foods, such as fried foods, pastries and cookies. Trans fats tend to increase inflammation in the body, which can affect the health of hair follicles and lead to hair loss. Additionally, trans fats can affect sebum production in the scalp, which can make hair oilier and more prone to dandruff.

  • Fried foodsshould also be avoided as much as possible to preserve the health of the hair. Fried foods tend to be high in saturated fats and trans fats, which can have negative effects on hair follicle health. Additionally, cooking fried foods at high temperatures can lead to the formation of harmful compounds, such as oxidized fatty acids, which can affect hair and skin health. Additionally, saturated fats tend to promote inflammation in the body, which can also impact hair health. This is because chronic inflammation can weaken hair follicles and reduce hair lifespan, which can lead to loss of hair density.

To preserve the health of our hair, it is therefore important to limit our consumption of fatty foods. It is best to focus on a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, lean proteins and healthy fats, such as monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

II. Good fats: monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids

  • monounsaturated fatty acids are found in foods such as avocados, olives, nuts and seeds. These fatty acids have anti-inflammatory effects and can help maintain hair health by reducing oxidative damage that can weaken hair follicles.

  • polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, are also beneficial for hair health. Omega-3 fatty acids are found in foods such as fatty fish, chia seeds and nuts, while omega-6 fatty acids are found in foods such as sunflower, corn and soybean oils. .

  • Omega-3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory effects and can help prevent hair loss by strengthening hair follicles. Omega-6 fatty acids, on the other hand, help maintain hair moisture by regulating production. Our Absolute Omega-3 is an innovative plant-based formula that provides a high dose of omega-3 from microalgae. This treatment is perfect for vegans. 

III. Sweet foods: a cause of hair loss

1. Refined sugars:

Sugary foods, especially those containing refined sugars, can cause inflammation in the body, which can weaken hair follicles and lead to hair loss.

THE refined sugars are often found in processed foods such as cookies, cakes, candies and sugary drinks. These foods have a high glycemic index, which means they are quickly digested and absorbed by the body, leading to a rapid rise in blood sugar levels.

When blood sugar levels rise rapidly, it can cause an inflammatory response in the body. Inflammation can damage hair follicles and lead to hair loss. Additionally, sugary foods can also contribute to hormonal imbalances, which can also affect hair health. 

High insulin levels in the body, which can be caused by excessive sugar consumption, can increase testosterone production. This hormone can be converted into dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which is known to cause hair loss in both men and women.

2. Artificial sweeteners:

Besides refined sugars, artificial sweeteners can also cause hair problems. Artificial sweeteners are often used as sugar substitutes in processed foods. However, they can be even more harmful than refined sugars. Artificial sweeteners can disrupt beneficial bacteria in the gut, which can lead to inflammation in the body. As mentioned earlier, inflammation can damage hair follicles and cause hair loss. Additionally, artificial sweeteners can also disrupt insulin levels in the body, which can also cause hormonal imbalances.

So what can you do to prevent hair loss caused by excessive consumption of sugary foods? First of all, it is important to reduce your intake of refined sugars and artificial sweeteners. Avoid processed foods and prefer whole, natural foods , such as fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. These foods provide important nutrients for hair health, such as vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Despite a healthy diet, it is necessary to treat hair loss from the inside. Our Absolute Keratin is composed of a natural keratin with clinical study that will bring damaged and tired hair back to life. A powerful anti-hair loss treatment, it will provide a high dose of perfectly assimilable keratin to fill in the gaps and give structure and volume to your hair.

IV. Processed foods and hair loss: what are the links?

First of all, it is important to understand what processed foods are. Processed foods are foods that have been altered from their natural state to extend their shelf life or improve their taste and texture. They can be found on supermarket shelves as snacks, prepared meals, soft drinks and many other products.

Many studies have shown that processed foods can have a negative impact on health. They often contain food additives such as artificial colors, preservatives and flavors, as well as high amounts of salt, sugar and fat. Excessive consumption of processed foods can contribute to the development of chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and obesity.

When it comes to hair loss , there is some evidence to suggest that processed foods may play a role . Processed foods can impact hormone levels in the body, which can contribute to hair loss. Hormones such as testosterone and DHT ( dihydrotestosterone ) are known to play a role in hair loss in both men and women.

Processed foods can also cause imbalances in the gut microbiota . The gut microbiome is a group of microorganisms that inhabit our intestines and play an important role in digestion, nutrient absorption, and the immune system. Studies have shown that imbalances in the gut microbiota can affect hair health. Our Absolu Probiopure is a treatment that combines 5 strains of highly concentrated lactic ferments designed to rebalance the gut microbiota 

Additionally, processed foods can also be deficient in nutrients that are essential for hair health, such as vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids. Vitamins such as vitamin D, vitamin E, and vitamin B12 are all important for hair health. Minerals such as iron, zinc , and selenium are also important for hair health. Essential fatty acids such as linoleic acid and alpha-linolenic acid are needed to maintain a healthy scalp and hair follicles.

It is strongly recommended to read the labels of processed foods to determine their nutritional content and avoid foods that are high in food additives,

Note that not all processed foods are bad for your health. Some processed foods can be healthy and nutritious, such as frozen vegetables, dried fruits, and whole grains.


To conclude

It is important to take care of our diet if we want to maintain healthy and voluminous hair. Although hair loss is often linked to genetic or hormonal factors, an unbalanced diet can also play a role in this phenomenon.

Certain foods can contribute to hair loss, such as foods high in saturated fat, processed foods, and sugary foods. On the other hand, a diet rich in protein, vitamins, minerals and omega-3 fatty acids can help strengthen hair follicles and promote hair growth.

It is important to note that hair loss can also be the result of underlying medical conditions, so it is important to consult a doctor if you notice excessive hair loss. By adopting a balanced diet and supplementing it with our hair supplements that will boost nutrient intake, you will help maintain healthy and strong hair.

Also read: Causes of hair loss