Glutamine: essential amino acid for your well-being

glutamine bienfaits

Learn all about this non-essential amino acid, also known as L-glutamine !

I. Origin of glutamine

This amino acid, also identified as L-Glutamine, is a free amino acid, meaning it does not combine with others to form a protein. It is widely present in our body, particularly in our blood and muscles where it is the most abundant amino acid. Its role is essential in the synthesis of proteins and the inhibition of their degradation process.

The production of glutamine in our body comes mainly from the foods we consume daily. Raw vegetables, legumes, dairy products and plant and animal proteins are among these. The latter are rich in nitrogen, a key element in the synthesis of this amino acid.

Glutamine is not an essential amino acid, meaning it can be synthesized by the body. However, it may become temporarily essential in certain contexts. This is the case during stressful events such as intense physical training, serious illness, or traumatic stress (surgical operation, accident, etc.). In these situations, its concentration can drop drastically in our body (up to 50%). A normal diet will then no longer be enough to compensate for this drop. In such cases, it is recommended to supplement with this amino acid to prevent any unwanted deficiency.

It should be noted that this element is also produced in certain parts of our body, notably in the muscles and lungs. This is why it is so present in our muscles. Furthermore, it plays an important role in the functioning of our immune system and our intestinal health.

The organic variant, often referred to as Pure L-Glutamine, is obtained from natural sources and without chemical additives. It is distinguished by its purity and effectiveness. At D-LAB NUTRICOSMETICS, emphasis is placed on the quality and naturalness of the ingredients, thus guaranteeing optimal bioavailability. In addition, our Pure L comes from the fermentation of vegetables, which ensures a maximum concentration of essential nutrients. By respecting the principles of organic farming, we promote sustainable and environmentally friendly production. Our manufacturing process also guarantees the absence of potentially harmful chemical residues, making our product perfectly safe for regular consumption.

II. Glutamine benefits

Athletes are not the only ones concerned by glutamine, its positive effects on the immune system and the intestinal wall make it an ally for everyone!

1. Repair stressed muscles

Glutamine allows for better physical recovery, particularly during high-intensity training, such as bodybuilding. Muscles are made up of 60% of this substance, and over time intense physical efforts can lead to a breakdown of muscle tissue and therefore of the amino acids present.

The recovery phase is important in athletes, and this amino acid intervenes in this process. Indeed, it improves the reconstitution of muscle glycogen stocks and therefore tissues damaged during physical exercise. 

Additionally, research shows that amino acids like glutamine can help speed recovery after strenuous exercise by decreasing muscle soreness and improving muscle function.

2. Improve your sports performance

In bodybuilding

Food supplements containing this substance help prevent and combat overtraining syndrome. This syndrome considerably weakens the athlete's immune defenses by reducing their reserves, which can cause various infections. Additionally, it plays an essential role in protein synthesis, an essential function for muscle growth and repair.

In sport

Aside from bodybuilding,glutamineis also beneficial for other types of sports. It helps maintain endurance and reduce fatigue, allowing athletes to extend their training sessions and improve their overall performance. 

This item can also help reduce recovery time between workouts, which can help increase workout productivity.

3. Maintain the integrity of the intestinal barrier

Glutamine plays a role in maintaining the intestinal barrier, which is necessary for good digestion. 

Intestinal cells feed on this substance to develop. If they lack this source of energy, the intestinal barrier becomes “porous” and the intestine “permeable” because it does not filter residues from the digestion process efficiently enough and allows toxic substances to enter the blood flow. 

In addition, it can help maintain the balance of intestinal flora, which can contribute to good digestive health.

4. Before sleeping

Glutamine has soothing effects on stress, promotes serenity and facilitates rest. 

Taking glutamine before bed can help improve sleep quality and reduce sleep disturbances

Indeed, it is a precursor of GABA, a neurotransmitter that helps reduce neuronal excitability and promote relaxation and sleep.

5. Benefits for the skin

It also contributes to skin health. It helps maintain hydration, promotes healing and can reduce signs of aging by supporting collagen production. 

In addition, it acts as a fuel for skin cells, helping with cell regeneration and the repair of skin tissues

It can also help reduce inflammation and oxidative stress, which are two major factors in premature skin aging.

6. Supports the immune system

This amino acid plays a crucial role in the functioning of the immune system

As a primary fuel for immune cells, it helps to strengthen the immune system and fight infections and diseases. Glutamine supplementation can therefore help maintain a strong and resilient immune system.

III. Where to find glutamine?

This valuable amino acid for our body, glutamine, is mainly found in animal and plant proteins

Animal sources include chicken and fish, while plant sources include tofu, peas, lentils, and beans. 

Other foods such as spinach, beets, cabbage and cereals are also suppliers of this substance.

As afood supplement, it is often presented in the form of tablets or powder. These formats offer a convenient way to incorporate this amino acid into your daily routine, whether by adding it to your meals or drinks.

At D-LAB NUTRICOSMETICS, we offer the Pro-Collagen Digestion treatment, based on several elements including L-Glutamine , marine collagen, chicory, papain and a set of prebiotics and probiotics. 

This supplement is an ideal solution for incorporating this amino acid into your diet, while benefiting from other beneficial ingredients for your well-being.

1. Powdered

Its powder form is a popular supplementation option. It is easy to dose and can be added to drinks or smoothies for convenient consumption. This form is particularly preferred by those who wish to have precise control over their intake of this amino acid.

2. In daily diet

Incorporating this substance into your daily diet is also a viable option. In addition to the sources mentioned previously, other foods like dairy products and certain vegetables can also increase your intake of this amino acid.

What is the food richest in this amino acid?

Among foods, chicken is one of the richest in glutamine. It is closely followed by fish, dairy products and certain legumes such as peas and lentils. It is therefore recommended to include these foods in your diet to ensure sufficient intake of this amino acid.

IV. Glutamine deficiencies

Glutamine is the most notable fuel for intestinal and immune cells

A deficiency in this substance is often linked to sleep disorders, restlessness and difficulty concentrating. It has soothing effects on stress, encourages serenity and facilitates rest. 

Additionally, a lack of this amino acid can cause decreased immune function, poor post-exercise recovery, and an increased propensity for infections. 

For these reasons, it is crucial to ensure adequate intake, either through a balanced diet or through food supplements containing glutamine.

V. Our solutions for the microbiota and the swollen belly

A bloated belly results from an imbalance in the microbiota (also called intestinal flora).

At D-LAB NUTRICOSMETICS, we offer a range of food supplements for the stomach and the microbiota.

In addition to Pro-Collagen Digestion, we recommend:

  • The Flat Stomach Program. 

A program focused on the stomach, our second brain. Composed of 29 active ingredients, it will rebalance the digestive system to sustainably reduce waistline and regulate hormonal balance and stress to initiate weight loss while avoiding fat storage.

Thus, vitamin B6 helps regulate hormonal and nervous activity, chromium and guarana support the metabolism of sugars and fats, and fucus rich in mucilage contributes to the balance of the digestive system for a lasting result on the tour. in size.

  • The Absolute Probiopure

Absolute which is a combination of 5 strains of lactic ferments, the closest to the human intestinal microbiota, and are highly concentrated and wrapped in a gastro-resistant capsule, to guarantee maximum assimilation and harmonious development within the intestinal flora.