Why take marine collagen? Definitions and explanations

Collagen is a fundamental structural protein found in the human body. It plays a crucial role in forming and maintaining the structure of tissues, such as skin, bones, tendons, ligaments and cartilage.


From the age of 25, our body producesless collagen, which leads to visible signs of aging and a decrease in tissue vitality . 

Collagen supplements , with marine collagen extracted from sustainable marine sources, offer a natural solution to fill this gap . We will discuss their significant benefits for skin, bones, and joints, while providing practical tips for incorporating collagen into your daily routine.

pourquoi prendre du collagène

I. What is marine collagen?

A. Definition and role of collagen in the human body

Collagen is an essential protein in the human body, playing a fundamental role in maintaining tissue structure, strength and elasticity. It plays a crucial role in forming and maintaining the structure of connective tissues, such as skin, bones, tendons, ligaments and cartilage.

This fibrous protein is the most abundant of all proteins in the human body, accounting for approximately 30% of the total protein mass. Collagen acts as a kind of "glue" that holds cells together, giving these tissues their three-dimensional structure, mechanical strength and their ability to resist tension forces.

In addition, collagen contributes to wound healing by promoting the regeneration of damaged tissues. Over time, collagen production naturally declines, which can lead to signs of aging such as loss of skin firmness and joint fragility

Therefore, maintaining an adequate balance of collagen in the body is essential for long-term health, mobility and beauty.

e-book collagène

B. Origin and specificities of marine collagen compared to other types of collagen

Marine collagen stands out for its unique origin and distinctive properties. Unlike collagen from terrestrial sources, such as bovine or porcine, marine collagen is extracted mainly from fish, in particular their scales, skins or bones. This marine source offers a major advantage: greater compatibility with the human body and better absorption. Indeed, marine collagen is recognized for its small molecular size, which facilitates its assimilation in the body.


Another notable aspect of marine collagen is its rich composition of collagen types, mainly type I, which is the most abundant type of collagen in our skin, hair and nails. It is the collagen that gives the skin its structure, firmness and resilience. This specificity then makes it particularly effective in supporting skin health, promoting its hydration , firmness and reducing the signs of aging.


Additionally, marine collagen is often considered a more ethical and sustainable option. The marine sources used for its production are generally by-products of the fishing industry, thus contributing to a more responsible use of ocean resources. Additionally, for those following specific diets, marine collagen is a non-bovine and non-porcine alternative, making it suitable for those following dietary or religious restrictions.

C. Marine collagen production process and its essential components

The production of marine collagen generally involves the processing of fish residues, such as bones, skin and scales, to extract the collagen. 


This process involves several steps, including cleaning, demineralization, enzymatic hydrolysis and purification. The essential components of marine collagen include amino acids such as glycine, proline and hydroxyproline, which are crucial for the formation of new collagen fibers in the human body. 


At D-LAB, we have chosen to use French fish from FSC-labelled fisheries, processed in France.

Discover the benefits of marine collagen, hyaluronic acid and vitamin C with Pro-Collagen New Skin which combines all these active ingredients. 

pourquoi prendre du collagène

II. Why take marine collagen?

A. The general benefits of taking collagen

Collagen is an essential protein for maintaining the structure and health of connective tissues in the human body. Taking it regularly can provide many benefits, particularly for the skin, joints, bones and even hair. 

By strengthening the skin's structure, collagen helps maintain its elasticity and hydration, thereby reducing the visible signs of aging. For joints, it contributes to the regeneration of cartilage, thus improving mobility and reducing joint pain. Additionally, collagen plays a crucial role in bone health by increasing bone density and strength.

How do you know if you need collagen?

Signs of collagen deficiency may include dry, wrinkled skin, joint pain, loss of skin firmness, and decreased bone density. If these symptoms are present, it may be beneficial to consider collagen supplementation to support overall body health.

pourquoi prendre du collagène marin

B. Why take collagen powder

Collagen powder is a popular form of supplementation due to its ease of use and rapid absorption by the body. 

It can be easily added to various drinks and foods, allowing simple integration into the daily routine. Additionally, powdered collagen is often hydrolyzed, meaning it is broken down into smaller peptides, making it easier for the body to absorb and use.

Is it good to take collagen every day?

Taking collagen daily can be beneficial for maintaining optimal levels of this essential protein in the body. 

Regular consumption can help support healthy skin, joints and bones, while promoting a more youthful appearance and improved mobility. 

However, it is always recommended to consult a healthcare professional before starting any new supplementation.

III. The benefits of marine collagen

A. Improved skin health: hydration, elasticity, reduction of signs of aging

Marine Collagen is a key player in promoting healthy, radiant skin. Its unique structure, closely linked to collagen naturally present in the human body, allows it to exert a remarkable effect on skin health. Marine collagen peptides, small and easily absorbable, effectively penetrate the skin, promoting cell regeneration.

Read also: When to take collagen?

  • Provides hydration: Marine collagen promotes hydration of the skin by strengthening its natural barrier, thus limiting transepidermal water loss. This hydrating action helps maintain supple, smooth skin, reducing the appearance of fine lines due to dryness.

  • Skin that regains its elasticity: By stimulating collagen production in the body, marine collagen supplements help improve skin elasticity. This is particularly important because as we age, natural collagen production decreases, leading to a loss of elasticity. Supplementing with marine collagen can therefore help restore elasticity to the skin, giving it a more youthful and toned appearance.

  • Reduction of signs of aging: One of the most notable benefits of marine collagen is its ability to reduce the visible signs of aging. By providing the building blocks needed for skin to regenerate, marine collagen helps reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Additionally, it contributes to the repair and regeneration of damaged collagen fibers, resulting in firmer and smoother skin.

B. Support for joints and mobility: reduction of pain, strengthening of cartilage

Collagen, often mentioned for its essential role in the youthfulness and elasticity of our skin, has much more to offer than simple benefits aesthetic. 

This essential protein, which makes up much of our connective tissue, is central to the structure and function of our joints and muscles. Faced with challenges such as advancing age, intense physical activities or even injuries, our body's ability to maintain and produce collagen is put to the test, directly influencing health of our joints and muscles.

What are the effects of collagen on the body?

Collagen plays a crucial role in maintaining the structure and health of connective tissues in the human body. It helps strengthen skin, joints, bones and hair. 

By supporting cartilage regeneration, it improves mobility and reduces joint pain. Additionally, collagen contributes to bone density and strength, promoting better bone health.

IV. The D-LAB collagen range

A. D-LAB beauty food supplements based on collagen

Skin, hair, slimming: D-LAB has developed 4 powders based on collagen and elastin oligopeptides of marine origin, combined with ultra-targeted active ingredients to fill wrinkles, moisturize the skin, stop hair loss, strengthen hair fiber, get rid of dimpling and help with weight management. Each powder benefits from two clinical studies proving their effectiveness.


The most? The selection of a marine collagen,
bioavailable, with clinical study, to meet all needs
(skin, body and hair).


We also chose to use French fish from FSC-certified fisheries, processed in France.


Discoverthe production of D-LAB collagen with our founder Fleur Phelipeau

B. Practical advice from our expert for optimal absorption: combinations with other nutrients

Incorporating foods rich in vitamin C, such as citrus fruits, red peppers, and berries, can boost the body's natural production of collagen.